
Nfortec 由一群充滿專業知識的熱忱玩家所成立,他們致力於開發兼具高效能與美觀且價格合理的電競產品,產品以機殼、風扇、水冷扇為主,而這些產品也在亞馬遜網站上收穫大量好評。Nfortec同時也積極經由社群網路和Youtube頻道與玩家互相交流,讓品牌可以不斷進步。


Nfortec was established by a group of knowledgeable players, and they were trying their best to develop gaming products with high performance and attractive appearances.  Their merchandise are mostly gaming towers, CPU fans and heatsinks. All of their products received favorable comments from users. To keep making progress, they communicate with players and consumers regularly through social networks and their youtube channel. 

We kept the crucial feature and simplified the shape to modernize it. In addition, we choose  burnt orange from some planets in our galaxy as the main color. We extended the visual identity on packaging and website contents as well.